32. Allan Dwan
Chris Fujiwara

Though almost entirely unknown, Allan Dwan is one of the giants of American cinema. From the early 1910s to the end of the 1950s, Dwan directed more than 300 films - crime thrillers, comedies, Westerns, costume adventures, and anything else that an audience would pay to see - transposing all genres into his own cinematic utopia. Dwan's serene mastery of rhythm and tone sets him apart from all his Hollywood contemporaries - including those with whom he has the most in common, such as Raoul Walsh and Jacques Tourneur - and likens him, as the French critic Louis Skorecki has suggested, to the greatest Japanese directors: "He is the filmmaker of moderation and happiness, a sort of common-man Ozu or laughing Mizoguchi… He is the greatest Oriental filmmaker of the American West, perhaps America's last American." [in French: "C'est le cinéaste de la mesure et du bonheur, une sorte d'Ozu bonhomme ou de Mizoguchi rieur… C'est le plus grand cinéaste oriental de l'Ouest américain, peut-être le dernier Américain d'Amérique."]

32. アラン・ドワン
