29. Steven Spielberg
Chris Fujiwara

Going beyond André Bazin in developing a new ontology of cinema, Steven Spielberg has long explored the power of the image not only to replace the world, but to engulf it. In its vast scale and its paralyzing visual rhetoric, War of the Worlds is an extreme stage in this exploration. A dark and disturbing film by a director generally associated with jubilant entertainments, War of the Worlds envisions the disintegration of the American family, followed by the devastation and colonization of America. As in other recent Spielberg films, the cinematic image - both as represented within the film (in the myriad of reflections, TV screens, and frames within the frame) and as constructed by the film (the painstakingly lit and photographed images, both virtual and real) - is no longer merely the presentation of disaster but is now disaster itself.

29. スティーヴン・スピルバーグ
