1. Vincente Minnelli
Chris Fujiwara

Vincente Minnelli was a master of two of the American genres that permitted (and indeed required) the most elaborate and sophisticated treatment of issues of time and performance: the musical and the melodrama. In both genres, Minnelli's films celebrate the release of energy and derive tremendous tension and emotional impact from the blocking of energy. How energy flows, or is kept from flowing, in Minnelli's films is directly linked to the success or failure of his characters' performance of social roles - becoming a woman, as in Madame Bovary, or becoming a man, as in Home from the Hill. Minnelli also treats the problems faced by performers (notably in The Band Wagon) as specific cases of the universal problems of creating and presenting the self. His films are dramas of self-discovery and self-expression (The Cobweb, Lust for Life, Two Weeks in Another Town), of communication (Bells Are Ringing), of divided identity (Some Came Running).

1. ヴィンセント・ミネリ
